If you would like to make your annual donation for the 2022 school year for your student using a credit card or PayPal, use the "Donate" button below. We use PayPal to process our online donations, but there is no need to have a PayPal account: you may use your credit card directly or your PayPal account if you have one. PayPal charges a transaction fee to our organization to use this service, so we have added $20 to the donation amount (total will be $820.00 USD) so that we receive $800 to cover the scholarship. If you would like to avoid this fee or prefer paying by check, send donations to:
Iruri Primary School
P O Box 2294
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
You can also send your donation by Zelle to which goes directly into our Iruri Primary School account at Chase Bank.
Please direct any questions to
We are a 501(3)(c) organization and you will receive an official tax deductible letter from our non profit for any contributions.