Left to right: Front row: Joyce, Michell, Margaret. Back row: Evah, Maureen, Ronnie, Paul, John, Rosemary, Isabelle

Evah Wanjugu
Evah’s family consists of her parents and older sister who Evah says is a good role model. Her mother is a tailor and farmer while her father is an Evangelist. Evah enjoys singing and helping her grandmother. Her chores at home are washing utensils, sweeping the house and washing her clothes ( all hand washed and scrubbed). Evah hopes to prosper in her studies. Her dream is to become a doctor. She hopes to build her parents a big house and to buy her father a car.... his dream. Evah has been accepted at St. Teresa Moi Equator Girls Secondary School, which is her school of choice. She states, “ I will be disciplined in school so that I will never be sent home.”
School: Teresa Moi Equator Girls Secondary School
Sponsor: Robert and Pat Bechtel

Isabelle Gathoni
Isabelle consistently has earned the number 1 spot on all exams! Isabelle aspires to become an accountant. Her favorite subject is math! She lives with only her Mom, Alice who is a farmer and plants different crops such as cucumbers and spinach. She does not know her father who she has not seen since she was a small child. Her hobby is singing. She also helps her Grandmother to “fetch firewood” and helps her Mom with the farm. She and her Mom revise for her exams in the evening. Isabelle is sponsored by the Paulson family. Debbie Paulson was so inspired by her introductory letter. Debbie’s daughter, Alicia sings in a trio and recently landed a record contract and opened for Rascal Flats. I brought Isabelle a cd of Auburn Road. Isabelle has been accepted at Tumutumu Girls Secondary School where three other girls from Iruri attend.
School: Tumutumu Girls Secondary School
Sponsor: Paulson family

John Gathanga
John will be sponsored by David Thorman and Dana Newell who were at the school in September of this year. John hopes to become a civil engineer. He is strong in science and math! His father is a carpenter and works in a small workshop in the local village. His mother is a farmer. John’s hobby is football and he plays on local teams from the village, and also follows the professional teams. His brother Jackson who was also sponsored just graduated and Marion, his sister is also sponsored. He hopes to help others in need, “ like me” when he graduates. He is waiting for acceptance to a Secondary School since he just found out recently on Dec 7 that he had earned a scholarship!
School: Ruthagati Boys High School
Sponsor: David Thorman and Dana Newell

Joyce Wanjiru
Joyce comes from a family of four. Her parents are both farmers. She states, “my father is hard working and always makes sure that his family meets their needs”. They cultivate land that was given to the citizens by the Government. Rosemary’s sister is in Grade 3 and “has great dreams and ambitions”. She always looks up to me as her role model.” Joyce’s hobbies are to sing and read. She hopes to become a pilot and explore many countries and even try their cultural food.
School: Tumutumu Girls High School
Sponsor: Supported by 9 people. Catherine Survillas's friend and former High school colleague, Michelle Khayat, put a group together. Michelle also helps support Emma and Diana.

Margaret Wairimu
Margaret hopes to become a doctor. She has both parents and two sisters who are in Grade 3 and 4. Both of her partners are farmers and provide the basic needs for the family. Margaret enjoys singing and dancing. She also enjoys netball and volleyball. She helps her parents with household chores. She helps clean the house and “likes staying somewhere clean”. Her dream one day is to travel to India.
School: Tumutumu Girls Secondary School
Sponsor: Donna Selnick

Maureen Wanjiru
Maureen comes from a family of four, her parents who are both farmers and her sister, a teacher who she loves very much. Maureen aspires to be a nurse as she admires them very much for being good role models. Her hobbies are ”I like knowing about things that are happening in the world!” She also likes watching ball games and likes Arsenal because of how they are talented in playing football! She will be attending Othayo Girls Secondary School. When she grows up she hopes to be a better person in society. She plans to help her parents and buy them a piece of land.
School: Othayo Girls Secondary School
Sponsor: Rob Bechtel

Michell Wachuka
Bob and Pam met Michell when they visited the school in 2016. Their granddaughter Sadie has been her pen pal since then. Catherine Survillas was able to promise Michell on her visit in September that if she qualified the Schaecher’s would sponsor her. She did it!!! She is very grateful for this opportunity. Michell aspires to be a surgeon. Michell has two sisters and one brother. Her Mom is “an ordinary farmer”. She does not state what her father does. At home she helps do house chores and looks after her younger siblings. She reads and enjoys cooking in her free time.
School: Kanubiri Secondary School
Sponsor: Bob and Pam Schaecher and their granddaughter Sadie

Paul Maina
Also sponsored by Rob who met him last year! Paul has one brother who is in Secondary School and lives with his Mom, who works in the fields. He likes swimming and riding bicycles in his free time. He also likes playing football( soccer). Chelsea is his team!! He likes sharing jokes and reading. Paul aspires to be a chemical engineer and be prosperous. If successful he “would help other children as he is helped and also improve my mother’s living standards.” And if possible build a school! “ At school, I will be a good boy and not break the rules!”
School: Ruthagati Boys High School
Sponsor: Rob Bechtel

Ronnie Njuguna
Ronnie aspires to be a professional artist. He also loves animals and hopes to study about animals. He has two younger sisters, Grade 2 and pre school. Tragedy hit around the time Ronnie found out he was to be sponsored by Rob Bechtel who he met in 2018. Ronnie’s father, an electrician, was electrocuted and killed on the job days before it was announced that Ronnie earned a scholarship. Ronnie’s Mom is a Government teacher. Ronnie’s parents always taught him that the best thing they can give him is an education. When he completes his education he hopes to give back and help the street children by providing them a home. When the results were announced, “... tears of joy flew down my eyes”. He hopes to be accepted at Othayo Boys Secondary School.
School: Othayo Boys Secondary School (tentative)
Sponsor: Rob Bechtel

Rosemary Wahito
Rosemary’s parents are both farmers. She has a brother who is in Grade 2 and a sister. Rosemary enjoys playing football and volleyball. She likes sports!!! She also states, I obey my teachers and parents and will never accept bad company” She hopes to become a doctor and her family encourages her to work hard. Her brother looks up to her too! Rosemary has been accepted at Mahiga Girl's High School. She hopes to help her parents and Grandmother after she graduates.
School: Mahiga Girls High School
Sponsor: Linda Olsen