The Iruri Primary School is situated on the equator at the base of Mt. Kenya at around 6000 ft. in the rural community on the outskirts of the small village, Karatina. It is a Government established school serving over 400 students from K through Grade 8.
While the Government provides the facility and the teachers, it does expect the community to maintain the physical structure which in a rural community is nearly impossible.
The majority tribe in this area is the Kikuyu. The students who attend are tri-lingual as they learn their tribal language, Kikuyu, at home and once they begin school they also learn English and Swahili which are the two official languages in Kenya.
To continue their education beyond 8th grade, the children must go to local boarding schools. While primary education is provided by the government, there are school fees for high school. If a family can not afford these fees their child's education will stop at 8th grade. The fees for high school are about $800 per year which provide everything. Since these boarding schools are local, students will go home on the weekends. This way during the week the students can concentrate solely on their studies.
Map of the School's Location