Meet some of our secondary school graduates and find out what they are doing now.

In 2020, Caroline is now studying Business at Karatina University. Bill and Dana still remain in contact with Caroline and are supportive of her efforts. They recently said:
We have enjoyed watching Caroline grow from a girl just starting 9th grade to a young lady attending university. We remain in contact with her via email and enjoy sharing pictures and information about the families. We are impressed with her initiative: she passed the exam for being accepted to university, then took the steps necessary to enroll in the University of Karatina, which is nearby her family home. We are happy that we are still part of her life and get to share in her journey. Caroline wrote recently and said: "I know it's still very early but I want to take this opportunity to invite you to my graduation which will be on 5th November 2021".
Catherine Survillas and her sister, Cindy Simmons Owen, sponsored Win Rose together. Win Rose was a good communicator through her four years, sharing the ups and downs of Secondary School. Win Rose aspires to become a lawyer, and finding the maths and sciences challenging. She wrote in 2018, “Maths and Chemistry have been quite challenging but I’m trying to cope and pull up my socks”. You did it Win Rose and graduated! She is still waiting for her exam results. We are both proud of you. Here pictured in 2016 and in 2019.



ROSE IN 2016
When Rose first started secondary school, she wrote to her sponsors, Amy Parker and Chad Keller:
"In the future, I am intending to be an accountant and server my fellow Kenyans. I would one day wish to visit your country."

ROSE IN 2019
Rose has dreamed of attending Kenyatta University after graduating from Secondary School. Sponsors Amy Parker and Chad Keller have encouraged her throughout her Secondary School. Rose qualified to join University on her recent exams. Results just came out! Rose hopes to pursue a career in medicine. Way to go Rose.

As Allan started secondary school, he wrote:
"I am also dedicated to education and love math. I have been and am working hard to be a surgeon and wishing to help many students in my country to achieve education that they need after my education. I am happy to be sponsored because my education could have ended at grade 8. My parents had no money to pay for my high school education. I am going to take this great opportunity to achieve my goals in life."

Allan was supported by John Cooper and Linda Perkins and throughout the four years kept in contact with them. Allan’s dream is to become a surgeon. Allan has qualified for University after performing very well on his recent exams. A student under the Kenyan system must earn a mean score of C+ or better in order to go on to University. Allan earned a Mean Score of B. Well done Allan!

When Derrick first became a scholarship program:
A little shy for the camera, Derrick was consistently in the top five students when at Iruri. In a letter to his sponsor: "At school, I am very serious when it comes to time for studying. I work very hard at school so that I can fulfill my dream of becoming a pilot." His parents are both farmers and he has a little brother and sister, two pet dogs and a cat. He is proud of his high school, which "is very serious when it comes to academics performance. ... I also like playing soccer and so I joined the school soccer team."

As he graduated:
Derrick was sponsored by Laura Lavalee and her family. They formed a very caring bond throughout Derrick’s four years in high school. Derrick dreams of becoming a pilot and studying aeronautical engineering! He wrote Laura, “I am not only dreaming and working to be a simple pilot, but a GREAT AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER somewhere!" We will follow Derrick’s journey now that he has graduated. He did very well on his exams and has also qualified for University.

In 2016, Catherine Survillas wrote:
I am delighted to be sponsoring Isaac. I had the good fortune of sitting down and talking to him in June 2016. My first impression of Isaac was of one who loves his family very much. He has a brother and a little sister. He is a soft spoken young boy who is very protective of his little sister who just started Grade 1. I also have met both of his parents who are so grateful of the scholarship program our foundation provides to deserving students. Isaac has performed well in his first year especially in the math and sciences. He dreams of becoming a jet engineer! And he talks about being a role model to his younger brother and sister.

In 2019:
Isaac was sponsored by Board Member and Director Catherine Survillas, who was lucky to see Isaac on most of my visits to Kenya. Isaac wrote faithfully and would always send greetings to my sons and two Grandsons! Isaac also wanted to pursue a career in Aeronautical “ jet” engineering. But his most recent report he talks about pursuing a Bachelor in Education Sciences. Isaac will be able to go on to University as he qualified as well! I wonder if his school will have a Chess Club as Isaac has great promise to be a champ.

JANE IN 2016
Jane in 2016 as she started secondary:
In a letter to her sponsor, Jane writes: Am really working hard at school and I will surely not let your efforts down - I will make sure that that I fulfill my dream of being a neurosurgeon"

JANE IN 2019
After secondary school graduation:
Jane was fortunate to meet her sponsors, Board Member Nasim Fazel, and her daughter Monah, back in 2016. Jane kept in touch with them and shared her goal to become a doctor and work in the medical profession. Now that Jane has qualified for University we will closely follow her journey. Congratulations Jane!

In 2016:
Robinson has always been a high achiever and served as president of his class at Iruri Primary School. He writes to Donna: "If it were not for you I would not have got to the school of my dreams. My parents were also happy for they didn't have money for me to continue studying."

After completing secondary school:
Robinson met his sponsor, Board Member Donna Selnick, when Robinson was President of the Grade 8 class at Iruri Primary School. Robinson has successfully completed his four years in Secondary School and has qualified for University. He hopes to pursue a career in Automotive Engineering. Congratulations Robinson.